Friday, 18 May 2012

...... In Music

One day I hope that people will view me as a successful person. 
I do not aspire to be viewed as a successful woman.
I do not aspire to be seen as successful only by women.

I want to be respected by people.

More and more I see women driven groups and networks appear in the media. Claiming to be combatting sexism, however all they are achieving as far as I can see is a further fuelling a segregation between genders.
If there was a Men in Music, or Men in Business committee, everybody is extremely aware of the uprising and revolt that would result amongst feminist communities. And yet, it is perfectly fine for women to create these sexist, demeaning culture groups and shut men out. And some how that isn't viewed as sexist?

Why does it have to be about gender?
Women are the only ones throwing fuel on the fire in the modern workplace.
Most men I work with couldn't care less about my gender, the fact is, if I do a good job, I will get hired again. That has nothing to do with sex, race or religion.

But I won't get off topic, this is about women being sexist.
And what's even worse is when I voice my opinion to these women committees and feminist so-called leaders, I get told I have been brainwashed by a society controlled by men

I have actually been told by a woman that I was brainwashed by men.

Just because I have an opinion that goes against something started by women, I'm not entitled to have that individual opinion? The immediate reaction is that my opinion must have been tainted by men.
Do I really appear so weak that I can be influenced so easily?

I understand that these committees need to exist to reinforce people sense of accomplishment and self worth. All I'm saying is that I don't want to be viewed for being good at something and a woman, because what does my gender even have to do with how well I can do my job, or write music, or play music?
And I do agree that years ago, there were huge segregations between men and women in society and in the work place. Some of these segregations still exist, and will always exist, because face it, men and women are anatomically different.
These intellectual segregations have been practically dissolved into nothing in the Western World. It seems as if these women are really squeezing it for all it's worth, and creating issue where there is no longer one.

I am happy for women to sit back and question my opinion, I will always laugh in their face when they try to change it, and I won't be a part of sexism against any gender. Men included. 

 Don't you dare let my mind be judged by gender.

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