Sunday 10 June 2012

Get Off Your High Horse

Last Thursday saw myself and Nick take a stroll down to Leederville to watch Timothy Nelson's side project High Horse.
I thought it served as the perfect opportunity to work on my live photo taking skills.

An amazing local photographer Libby Edwards gave me a ten minute lesson on ISO settings and shutter speed a few days before, and this was the result of me attempting to put my newly acquired knowledge into practice.

The key word here being attempting.

The lighting was super hard to work with, and I've discovered drummers are the hardest people to get good shots of.
They're a little too dark, but feedback is always appreciated.

I know I've been super lazy on the Making Regular Updates front, but doing six weeks worth of work in one week has been no easy task.
Keep checking up on me over the coming weeks and there will be more on here I promise!!

Hayley Jane

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