Friday 11 May 2012

If It All Came Crashing Down

After a lengthy and heartfelt conversation with a close friend, I started to think, "if my whole world ended right now what would mean the most to me"
It wouldn't be the clothes, or the business status. It wouldn't be whether or not my band was a success, or how many friends I had on Facebook. It wouldn't be about the fancy dinners and material goods. All that really matters to me when I strip away the culture, the nurture and the education is the time spent doing what you love and being with those who you love.

But not doing what you love for profit or gain but doing it for yourself.
I could be happy for the rest of my life without seeing the world, so long as I was in the company of those I care about most.

Travel certainly is nice, but what's the point of setting out to do anything if there's no one there to share your memories with.

Next time I'm thinking about the perils of not having enough money to buy some new shoes, I'll be thinking about what actually matters to me.

Some of these images date back to 2008, and many of these people I haven't seen in years as a result of being swallowed up and buried under career aspirations, and material desires.

I think it's time to make some phone calls.


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